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VOLUME 1 , ISSUE 2 ( Vol. 1, 2013 ) > List of Articles


Craniorofacial and Head Injury Management: A Residents Perspective

Suryapratap Singh Tomar, Mohammad Akheel

Keywords : Neuroresidency, Craniofacial Sciences

Citation Information : Tomar SS, Akheel M. Craniorofacial and Head Injury Management: A Residents Perspective. Arch Craniofac Sci 2013; 1 (2):19-21.

DOI: 10.5005/ACOFS-11029-01201

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 31-10-2013

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2013; BPH.


Everyday, men, women and children suffer head injuries. A car accident, a fall from height or sports injury can range in severity from concussion to coma. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) can be fatal, dangerous and survivors, can show persistent problems that significantly affect their livelihood and well-being. India has rather unenviable distinction of having the highest rate of head injury in the world. In India, more than 100,000 lives are lost every year with over 1 million suffering from serious head injuries, to be addressed by a handful number of craniofacial and neurosurgeons, as craniofacial neurosciences in India is new and rapidly expanding discipline and one has to be competent and razor sharp in applying its cognitive base and principles, and residency as is always described as an island in shades of grey, and in India it means higher pressure, higher stress loads, lesser patience, and longer quantum of time spent at work with sleepless nights and merciless bosses.

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