VOLUME 2 , ISSUE 2 ( Vol. 2, 2014 ) > List of Articles
Anoop Kurian Mathew, Prashanth Shenai, Laxmikanth Chatra, Prasanna Kumar Rao
Keywords : Inferior Alveolar Canal, Mental Foramen, Alveolar Crest, Computerized Tomography
Citation Information : Mathew AK, Shenai P, Chatra L, Rao PK. Computerized Tomographic Localization of Inferior Alveolar Canal and Mental Foramen in the Mandible Among Implant Patients: An Imaging Study.. Arch Craniofac Sci 2014; 2 (2):109-113.
DOI: 10.5005/ACOFS-11029-02202
License: CC BY-NC 4.0
Published Online: 30-08-2014
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2014; BPH.
PURPOSE: Assessment of location of vital anatomic structures is required while enterprising quality dental care. In this study, an assessment of the location of inferior alveolar canal(IAC) and mental foramen(MF) in the mandible was done by using computed tomography. An attempt was done to compare the variation in the location in various age groups. MATERIAL & METHODS: The mean location of the IAC and MF from the alveolar crest was done on 30 patients by using cross-sectional computed tomography(CT). A comparison of the mean distance in the three age groups was done by using ANOVA. RESULTS: The mean distance of the superior border of the IAC upto the alveolar crest of the mandibular 2nd premolar was at 12.56 on the right side and 12.65 on the left side. The mean distance of mandibular 1st molar was upto about 12.29mm on the right side and 12.71 on the left side. Mandibular 2nd molar showed the mean distance of 11.97mm on the right side and 11.94mm on the left side. The mean distance of the superior border of the MF upto the alveolar crest was at 11.99mm on the right side and 12.20mm on the left side. A comparison between the three age groups showed a statistical difference (P<0.05). CONCLUSION: Assessment of vital anatomic structures for its presence and distribution is important in the preoperative planning of dental implants so as to avoid bleeding due to damage of vessels within the jaw. The mean distance of the IAC with respect to the alveolar crest was decreasing as it was moving posteriorly.