Objective: To understand the number of variations presenting in osteomeatal complex of paransal sinus CT scan and its relationship with sinusitis.
Method: Retrospective analysis of the 100 CT scans of the patients presenting with the symptoms of sinusitis. Number of the patients presenting with 2 and more variations in osteomeatal complexes were analysed using Lund mackay scoring system for sinusitis. The unpaired ‘t’ test was applied to find significance of this scoring for two or more anatomic variations.
Results: Though the occurrence of the variations were wide but two or more variations occurrence was statistically significant (p<0.0001), for the development of sinusitis.
Conclusion: CT scan evaluation of the sinusitis is important in identifying the number of variations present in the osteomeatal complex and two and more variations are considered to be significant factors predisposing to sinusitis.
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