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Ali FM, DS YK, Tambe VH, Saraf K, MC P, Ahire M, Sahane D. Incidence and Pattern of Maxillofacial Trauma in a Teaching Hospital. Arch Craniofac Sci 2015; 3 (1):13-17.
Background: Among various injuries seen in emergency department maxillofacial injuries are most common in occurrence. Injuries to maxillofacial area mandate special attention due to its close proximity with important vital structures in head and neck region. The treatment of maxillofacial injuries is a challenge in achieving full functional and esthetic results to oral and maxillofacial surgeons. Aim of the present study to determine the incidence and pattern of maxillofacial trauma and associated complications in a Teaching Hospital in Rural Maharashtra.
Method: A retrospective study done from Jan 2011 to Nov 2013 in SMBT Dental College and Hospital Sangamner Taluka, Ahmednagar District, Maharashtra, India. Data was analyzed with respect to incidence of the trauma, age and sex, types of injury, treatment and complications if any, were recorded from the patient records.
Result: This retrospective study was conducted in SMBT Dental College and Hospital Sangamner from January 2011 and November 2013, (23 months Period). Patients records were examined for all details. Atotal of 115 patients had reported during this period and of them 75 (65.21%) were males. The frequently involved age group was 21-40 years in 82cases (71.3%).Most common area involved was mandible with 69 cases (60%). Maxillary area was involved in 46 cases (40%), Most common anatomical location in mandible was the angle area 20.29% and 74.78% fractures were simple fractures and closed reduction was employed in 60.87% of cases.
Conclusion: The present study indicated that majority of patients with maxillofacial trauma were young adult Males and most common etiologic factors was Road Traffic Accidents. It can therefore be concluded that although if not all most of the RTA are preventable and immediate awareness campaign for Road safety should be started and adverse effects of drunken driving should be highlighted. Also implementation of law and road repairs should be undertaken to improve the situation.
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