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VOLUME 3 , ISSUE 2 ( Vol. 3, 2015 ) > List of Articles


Polishing of Two Composites - Effectiveness of One-Step System

Gurinderjeet Singh Gulati, Namrata Kaur Gulati

Keywords : Z-100, Esthet-X, PoGo, Profilometer

Citation Information : Gulati GS, Gulati NK. Polishing of Two Composites - Effectiveness of One-Step System. Arch Craniofac Sci 2015; 3 (2):24-27.

DOI: 10.5005/ACOFS-11029-03202

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 30-08-2015

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2015; BPH.


Over the years several changes have been made in the fabrication of dental resin composites to obtain better color stability over time, greater wear resistance and clinically acceptable final surface smoothness of placed restorations. To achieve this last goal, manufacturers have reduced the diameter of filler particles. Therefore the composite materials in this study were taken according to a difference in filler particle size so as to check the polishing ability of a single-step polishing system (PoGo) in respect to different composite materials. The composites used were Z100, and Esthet-X.

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