Citation Information :
Bhedasgaonkar S, Kapadia J, Pagarkar N, Vanjari S. Platelet- Rich Fibrin: A Nature's Boon to the Field of Periodontology. Arch Craniofac Sci 2016; 4 (1):10-12.
Introduction: The pulpal and the periodontal tissues are intimately related anatomically, functionally and physiologically. It has been suggested that periodontal disease is a direct cause of pulpal atrophy and necrosis and is more deleterious to the pulp than both caries and restorations combined. Treating such lesions is crucial to improve the prognosis of the tooth.
Case Report: An endo-perio lesion in the maxillary left lateral incisor region was initially treated with endodontic therapy. Following the endodontic therapy, the circumferential infrabony defect was treated using platelet- rich fibrin and an alloplastic bone graft.
Results: At the end of 6 months, there was a gain in the clinical attachment levels, reduction in the probing depths. The radiographs showed that there was significant bone fill.
Conclusion: Prognosis of a tooth having an endo-perio lesion and undergoing regenerative therapy, can improve significantly with the use of platelet rich fibrin (PRF) with alloplastic bone graft following successful endodontic treatment.
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