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Kumar A, Singh L, Singh SP. An Institutional Experience with Surgical Evacuation for Chronic Subdural Hematomas with Burr-Hole Drainage. Arch Craniofac Sci 2018; 6 (1):5-9.
BACKGROUND: Surgery for chronic SDH (CSDH), one of the most common clinical entities in neurosurgery with the best prognosis, is the gold standard of therapy for elderly patients with a history of moderate trauma.
RESEARCH GOALS: This study aimed to evaluate the clinical presentation, radiologic findings, therapy, and consequences of individuals with CSDH following surgical burr-hole evacuation.
MATERIALS AND PROCEDURES: This prospective study was conducted on 24 patients who underwent cranial burr hole surgery for chronic subdural hematomas.
RESULT: Five (20.8%) of the 24 patients in this study were female, and 19 (79.19%) were male. The most common age range for CSDH detection was 51-70 years old. The most frequent presenting symptoms of the patients were headache (14 {58.33%}) and giddiness (17 {70.8%}), which were followed by hemiparesis, or one-sided weakness. Of the patients, 22 (91.6%) exhibited a midline displacement greater than 5 mm. Recurrence of CSDH was the most common result in our study, occurring in 3 instances (12.5%). Recurrence was 8.3% (1 case out of 12) after two burr holes and 16.6% (2 cases out of 12) after a single burr hole. Mild uncomplicated pneumocephalus was present in 66.66% of the cases. We discovered a wound infection in 1 case (4.1%), which was treated with antibiotics. We did not have complications such as severe bleeding, CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) leakage, or tension pneumocephalus (TP).
CONCLUSION: Two burr holes at the highest point of the hematoma are sufficient to fully drain the unilateral CSDH. Significant midline movement, single or multiple burr holes, and the age of the patient with comorbidities all affect the recurrence rate. Surgery is not required to treat postoperative mild pneumocephalus that appears on follow-up radiological imaging. For hazardous conditions such infection, post-operative pneumocephalus CSF leak, and recurrence of CSDH, emergency care is required.
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